Tuesday, August 28, 2012

A New Way To Budget For Vehicle Breakdowns And Repairs

Here at Main Street Shell Service, we don't like to be the bearers of bad news, but once in awhile we have to tell a customer the bad news that his/her vehicle is in need of a costly repair.

Have you ever been caught off guard by an unexpected breakdown or an expensive repair?  Perhaps the worst part of the experience is the unexpected dent in your bank account by the time the ordeal is over.

But what if you weren't unprepared?  What if you had done your due diligence and figured out a way to estimate how much it would cost to maintain your vehicle properly.

Fortunately, there is a new tool available at Edmunds.com that can help you figure out this information which will be specific to the vehicle you drive.

To find out more about this exciting new budgeting tool, check out this video.

And remember, discount coupons for auto repair, smog check, propane, and more are always available at mainstreetshell.com

Thursday, August 16, 2012

46 Million Motorists Driving With Worn Out Wiper Blades!

It's true, we don't see a whole bunch of rain in Southern California, but we do get the occasional down pour in the winter time and if your wiper blades are worn out, you might be in for a dangerous ride with low visibility.  

It's strange to think of wiper blades as potential safety hazards, but if you're stuck in inclement weather, you can't see what's in front of you and that's dangerous!

So don't wait until the life of your wiper blades are completely gone.  For the best automotive repair Santa Maria and to have your blades replaced, comes see us at Main Street Shell Service!

Is Your Vehicle Due For New Brakes?

One of the most important safety features associated with your vehicle is the braking system.  But how can you tell if it's time to have your brakes serviced?  Have you noticed any of the following warning signs:

- A low or spongy brake pedal
- Brake pedal is difficult to push down
- The brake light on your dash is illuminated
- You hear grinding or squealing noises 
- You feel vibrations when pushing down on the brake pedal

Check out this video for a complete explanation of why and when it's important to have your brake system serviced.

For the best auto repair Santa Maria, trust your vehicle to the experts at Main Street Shell Service!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

If You Are Reading This, Would You Do Us A Big Favor?

Hello there!  I wanted to spread the word a little bit and let the blogosphere know that Main Street Shell Service has had a Facebook fan page for quite some time.  Lately, it has been a little more active as some of our customers have begun to realize that we have an ever increasing internet presence.  We would love to have as many fans as possible so if you wouldn't mind taking a couple seconds to find us and "Like Us" on Facebook, we would very much appreciate it!  And remember, if you are in need of an auto repair or a smog check santa maria, please don't hesitate to stop by or give us a call.

Awesome Customer Reviews For Main Street Shell Service!

This post is about a fairly new customer review company who in my opinion is much more efficient and trustworthy than some of the dribble you find elsewhere on the internet.  This company will actually contact a number of our customers by telephone who have recently been to our business and ask them about their experience.  Customers also have the option of leaving a review on their own through Surecritic.com when they visit our website.  Hopefully some of the search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo will start giving a little more importance to the reviews that are collected from this site.  For the best smog check santa maria, you can go to our website and see the reviews for yourself.